

TOEFL is an eval uation test which calcurates in figures if a person taking the test has an English capability enough to study in English speaking countries. There are two types of TOEFL test; one is PBT that means Paper Based Test and the…

Not Again...

Since december 2003, when mad cow deases were reported in US, Japan had barred beef imports from the United States. In the long run, Japan finally approved the imports of beef with an agreement that beer aged under 20 months and without sp…

My Resultion for 2006

After long swings and roundabouts, I came to a conclusion that I am going to proceed to a graduate education. When I was in Sweden, I said to people around and myself "I'm going to have a job in Japan." The reason for that statement was pa…


スウェーデンに留学していたということで、私が日大の入試案内に載るらしい。 そして今日はその来年度の日大冊子のためにインタビューを受けてきたのだ。 午後3時 水道橋(私のキャンパスがあるところ) インタビューをする物書きさんと会う。 私:どうもど…