My Resultion for 2006

After long swings and roundabouts, I came to a conclusion that I am going to proceed to a graduate education. When I was in Sweden, I said to people around and myself "I'm going to have a job in Japan." The reason for that statement was partly because of a finincial reason which needs me to have at the least two million Japanese yen, and parlty because I will be resonsible for fostering my family after the parent's retirement coming in the near future. However it was mainly because of two reasons; I was much ambicious to what I will go through after hanging out to Japanese society, in other words, experiences. Another reason is that I was curious about volunteering activities such as NGO and JICCA. The enthusiasm for volunteering was occured after I found myself meaningful in that summer camp in Latvia. The two reasons had sustained and progmatized a plan for what I am going to do; more precisely taking a job or working as a volunteer.
However, since I came back to Japan, I have been recieved a lot of critics to my unpreparedness for working in society and also credits which fused me a desire for studying in abroad again. It is true that I can never work for NGO unless having an expertise as environment, agriculture, or education. Similiarly if I want to work in society I need to study about companies that I am interested in and how to write my introductory paper for submitting to the companies, which I did not do last year in Sweden. I am already left behind by those who are working on visiting companies, participating in job interviews. Then I asked myself "is that what you are really trying to do? Things like taking Yamanote-line from Osaki to Shibuya for involving in job guidances all the time? Do you really want to work in Japan where you always speak Japanese? Hey, what about English you've been studying since you entered this university?" That was my voice inside. At the moment my English capability is not enought to compete and survive even in Japan's society. I would expect people in society who speak much more advanced English.
What I am going to do is study English again in abroad. I, at the same time, much appreciate to my mother who has said I would not have to worry so much about monetary problem. Studying abroad finally catches my heart.