
※ Before explaining this issue, I dare to say it is very serious problem and not funny.
  ъ( ゚ー^)SUMASO

I think the problem of Western countries' people is that they think as if they were in the centre of the world. I have seen immensely many scences that cleary depict their selfishness and individualistics since I came here in Sweden. It might be more appropriate to say Western people do not care of or ignore the others. The reason why they are selfish is because of their fundamental principle which makes the physical foundation of Western people. It is the ethical view that human nature is basically evil which Xun Zi(荀子) prechese more than two thousand years ago. For example, Western students are so active that they say their own opions in class room without any hesitation that is completely opposite to passive Japanese pupils. Of course, the thing they practice itself is good. But what is consequently bad is Western people tend not to have a ear to other's opinion. Even if they showed what they are thinking about, only a few people agree with the thought. This is no more exaggerated. Their way of discussion is the way to compel or subordinate others, not the way by which people can exchange its opinion and could inform themselves the new realm of thoughts.
