Are you hungry or angry, China?

As everyone knows, anti-Japan demostrations are still going on in China,
but please think it seriously that the demonstrations are just tighting their necks.
China and Japan are largely interdependent especially in their economies,
while they are politically against each other.

It means, as long as Chinese are fueling up the demonstrations,
Japanese people naturally give a cold shoulder to Chinese people,
even if Chinese goverment wants to seethe the riots.
It also means if the Chinese people continued to boycott Japanese products,
China's economy would be seriously damaged and even devestated.

In other words, their blind sentiments will wreak a havoc on with their own life.
On the one side, they become angry and fire Japanese flags and rant the so-called Japan's atrocities and brutal deeds during the Sino-Japanese War.
But on the other hand, the explosion of their chauvinistic feeling fasten their own neck
and makes them hungry.

Why don't you stop titilating your hostility, people in China?
Otherwise what will happen next is a havoc on your life.