Why Japanese hesitate to use the word "sex" (Third Chapter)

Since the new virtue had been born in Japan, people blindly started to conduct under the new way of thinking while averting their eyes to meditating what was real virtue or moral.

It was/is bad instinct of Japanese people which tends to believe something authorized as its government or politician without no criticism, which was afterward called chauvinism by the diplomat who had invaded and prevailed Imperial Japan and made a foundation of present Japan like the Japan Constitution Article 9.

The reborn of new virtue altered what had been once considered to be consequential. For instance, several kinds of notion like the patriarchy which would solidify the basis of male dominance in Japanese family had been provided. Before introducing the rule of men, it was mainly the male who ruled a family and the country.

Then a still currently quite controversial agenda of “who is the ruler in family” was naturally sorted out by the government.

It may deviate from main topic, but nowadays, it is still prominent issue to discuss gender equalities. It was the male to have the rights for decision making, in other words patriachy, and it has been practiced widely.

Although the female has shortcomings compared with the male like the strength or power, the men also have their deficits or unfavorable tendency as having been looking down women.

I never mean to stand by neither the male side nor female side, however the male will need to introspect what they have been putting into practice.

These days, there are some complaints that men are treating more roughly than female.
The opinion is fairly right, but it is partly because of the history despising the female.
We have to deal with and sort out these contradiction and frastration between men and women.